
Showing posts from March, 2013

frosty shadow

sunrise in the mountains

sign-eating tree


strange shapes up in the sky

Nobody walked through this door for a long time...

#shroomshotsaturday by Patti Colston Michael Albrecht Gary Crawford ShroomshotSaturday

sihouette behind the silhouette

a solid one

Happy Easter


cut in stone

Some colors for Easter!

perfect conditions of growth

frosty all over

standing close together

In the center!

Green with envy!

Thank you!

#pixelbenderismonthursday by Pat A Jordan Ralitza Tchiorniy Robin Cohen PixelBenderism On Thursday

up and down

still frosty

Week 13: Playing with light

No trespassing! | Zutritt verboten!

sitting on the fence

after the rain

winter could be beautiful

the one and only

#two4tuesday by Mary C Legg Two4Tuesday

#tuesdecay by Ian Ference TuesDecay

rural scene

bridges over sparkling waters


#mossymonday by Dan Bowden

up in the air

in focus

#moodymonday by Philip Daly Moody Monday #monochromemonday Monochrome Monday

frosty grass in bw

lots of different lines

wooden door

#dawnonsunday by linda stokes Ray Bilcliff Dawn On Sunday

angels | Engel

#zensunday by Charlotte Therese Björnström Nathan Wirth Simon Davis-Oakley Zen Sunday

rusty bolt | rostige Schraube

dog watching

#sunsetsaturday by Dennis Hoffbuhr +Sunset Saturday


#silhouettesaturday by Naila Ziani SilhouetteSaturday

frosty times

a hairy one

framed landscape