Anyu in motion

Anyu in motion

#fidofriday  by mel peifer Lisa Lisa Suhaib Ayaz Fido Friday 
#hqspanimals  by Marina Versaci Joe Urbz HQSP Animals 
#hqspmonochrome  by Trever McGhee Blake Harrold Luis Vivanco Rinus Bakker HQSP Monochrome 
#dogloversworldwide  by Robert SKREINER Dog Lovers Worldwide - DLW 
#allthingsmonochrome  by Charles Lupica Bill Wood All Things Monochrome 
#welovedogs  We Love Dogs!


  1. Anyu is carrying log on back :D Lovely shot

  2. Love the action shot :-)) ♥♥♥ :-))

  3. Vielen herzlichen Dank!  ;-) Christian Vollmar

  4. She' s a really powerful dog! Thank you for your funny comment!  ;-) Suhaib Ayaz

  5. Thank you very much for your nice comment! First I thought that this photo would be quite unsharp. But after lookink closer I realized that only Anyu was unsharp.   ;-) Trever McGhee

  6. Thank you very much for your compliment! I will pass it on to Anyu!  
      ;-) Patricia Knight

  7. Shared it on HQSP Monochrome

    Sending a Love-able Koala bear :-)) ♥♥♥ Hug ♥♥♥  :-))  to you for posting this and to all those that read this comment, to encourage you to Take2seconds share this post.

    Thanks for tagging #HQSPMonochrome on your post HQSP Monochrome is curated by Blake Harrold Trever McGhee John Minor and Rinus Bakker  

    :-)) ♥♥♥♥♥  :-))

  8. Thank you very much for the Love-able Koala bear!   ;-) Trever McGhee


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