#powerlinefriday by Natosha Davis Powerline Friday

#powerlinefriday  by Natosha Davis Powerline Friday 
#digitalartsaturday  by Dawn Ellen Miller Dale Jackson DigitalArtSaturday 
#hqspnonnaturephotos  by Rhea Surgimath Alexandre Fagundes de Fagundes Rinus Bakker HQSP Non-Nature Photos
#breakfastartclub  by Simply Arlie Breakfast Art Club 
#pixelworld  PixelWorld


  1. Beautiful shot Stefanie Schächtel.  Thank you for sharing with Breakfast Art Club curated by Simply Arlie. I'm the new guest curator.

  2. Yellow is my favorite color! Can' t get enough yellow as you can see. Thank you very much.  ;-)  Natosha Davis

  3. Hello Christian Höfgen ! Thank you very much for your comment!  :-)


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