#forestfriday by Rudolf Vlček Forest Friday

#forestfriday by Rudolf Vlček Forest Friday
#fallfriday by Karin Nelson Stephonie Schmitz
#hqspnaturalother HQSP Natural Other
#europeanphotography European Photo


  1. Nice,
    Thank you for your contribution to #EuropeanPhotography and European Photo ;-)
    BTW, here's the current theme info: #EuropeanPhotography  European Photo Janusz Brakoniecki Jean-Louis LAURENCE Michael Muraz Susanne Ramharter Ela Kupiec Ugo Cei

    To help us to find your post, you can go on our page European Photo, go the tab "infos" you will find a small text with numbers to copy/paste in your post, avoiding to type each of us ;-)
    (Jean-Louis LAURENCE)

  2. Thank you very much for your comment and the informations! :-) European Photo Jean-Louis LAURENCE


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