#minimalmonday by Olivier Du Tré

#minimalmonday by Olivier Du Tré
#monochromemonday by Steve Barge Manuel Votta Nurcan Azaz Hans Berendsen Jerry Johnson Monochrome Monday
#hqspmonochrome by Luis Vivanco Johnny Minor Dennis Freeland HQSP Monochrome
#monochomeworld Monochrome World
#allthingsmonochrome by Bill Wood Charles Lupica All Things Monochrome
#10000photographersbwmonochrome 10000 Photographers BW Monochrome


  1. So very beautiful! Wonderful soft tones and lighting. Love the droplets and dof. Thanks so much for sharing with Monochrome Monday!

  2. Vielen Dank lieber Rodolfo Seide ! :-)

  3. Thank you so much for your encouragement! :-) Steve Barge


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