the door behind the door

the door behind the door

#doorsunday by Maayan Windmuller Dave Krugman André Roßbach DoorSunday
#hqspnonnaturephotos HQSP Non-Nature Photos
#pixelworld by Alberto Carreras PixelWorld
#10000photographersaroundtheworld by Robert SKREINER 10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS
#europeanphotography by Jean-Louis LAURENCE Janusz Brakoniecki Ela Kupiec Susanne Ramharter Michael Muraz European Photo
#take2seconds by Trever McGhee Take2seconds


  1. Is this a garage door? Looks like someone is trying his Ferrari behind some old wood :) Thanks for another great contribution to #doorsunday !

  2. I like the mix of the old and new here, very nice! (Rhea)

  3. It seems so! Next time I will take a closer look into the garage! Thank you for your nice comment! :-). Maayan Windmuller

  4. Thank you very, very much! :-) Rhea Surgimath HQSP Non-Nature Photos


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