#monochromemonday by Hans Berendsen Nurcan Azaz Steve Barge Manuel Votta Jerry Johnson Monochrome Monday

#monochromemonday by Hans Berendsen Nurcan Azaz Steve Barge Manuel Votta Jerry Johnson Monochrome Monday
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  1. Wonderful contrast and I love the beautiful shapes and textures. Awesome lighting. Thanks so much for sharing with Monochrome Monday!

  2. Thank you so much for this great comment! Much appreciated! :-) Robin Cohen

  3. Thank you very much for your great support! :-) Prem Kumar Gutty

  4. Lieben Dank für den schönen Kommentar! :-) Rodolfo Seide

  5. Klasse Kommentar! Vielen herzlichen Dank! :-) Susanne Holtkamp

  6. Thanks for this lovely comment and your great support! :-) Annelies Kroen

  7. Thank you so much for the great encouragement and your support! :-) Steve Barge

  8. Always welcome dear Stefanie, a good restful night to you. {}{}{}

  9. Dear Stefanie Schächtel  your wonderful photo has been selected as most excellent share on BTP Flower Pro 
    You may also want to follow our sister pages BTP Daily Highlight and BTP Editor's Choice (Best Top Photographer's page) ,  follow the BTP news at Best Top Photographer Group or view daily large size shares on www.besttopphotographer.com .
    Thank you, Enjoy your day!
    Nicole Gruber  ❤


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