shady spot under the trees

shady spot under the trees

#benchsaturday by Rainer M. Ritz
#stonesaturday by Jen BaptistAntoine BergerStone Saturday
#hqspnaturalother HQSP Natural Other
#10000photographers 10000 PHOTOGRAPHERS
#everythinggreen by andi rivarolaEverything Green
#everydaythings by luca lancieriEVERYDAY THINGS
#PhotoManiaGermany by Nicole GruberSandra Deichmanndietmar rogackiMarkus LandsmannPhoto Mania Germany


  1. Fantastic Stefanie Schächtel  . Thank you for your awesome  contribution to HQSP Natural Other; and as a result, this outstanding photo of yours has been selected for the HQSPPromotion page .
    Congratulations  :))
    Kindest Regards 
    Jean-Noel Nicolas

  2. Thank you so much for your fantastic comments and gorgeous support! Very much appreciated! :-). RICARDO MARTINEZJean-Noel Nicolas

  3. Lieben Dank für deinen wunderschönen Kommentar! Wünsche Dir einen erholsamen Sonntag! :-). Rainer M. Ritz

  4. Great photo. The concrete parts of the bench are now parts of the nature around. Thank you Stefanie Schächtel for sharing.

  5. Thank you so much for the great comments and your support! Very much appreciated! :-). sophie helfrichVladimír Vocelka


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