Add this circle and have fun! Wonderful photos, fantastic photographers!

Add this circle and have fun! Wonderful photos, fantastic photographers!   
Shared via Frikkie Bize Bossert 

Originally shared by Photo Exchange Club

The new Pʜᴏᴛᴏɢʀᴀᴘʜʏ ENGAGERS Cɪʀᴄʟᴇ is out!  [Dec 05, 2013]
Google+'s most engaged page, and #1 Circle

Public:  Just add this circle and enjoy the photos in your stream!
Participants: Do you qualify? Read this >> 

Quick start instructions:
➊  Post a URL link to a recent G+ photo in the comments below 
Click photo links from others and +1, comment, and/or share 
➌  Publicly share this circle-post, from a new friend's stream
➍  *Add this circle*  / replace it every week to save your time
➎  *+1 this post* to say thanks to the curator and promote the PEC!

The only required action is that you share a photo from your stream last week in the comments below.  Sharing this post has other benefits, and is at your discretion!

The optional Photo of the Week Contest that complements this photo share is here >>

Participation here qualifies you to enter the contest.  Last week's winner was Mark HELM, see his photo here  >>

The Biggest Ripple Award goes to >> Carsten Schlipf << with a chain of 21 shares!  Thanks to all those that helped: Dirk Müller, Septimiu Catona, Andy Brown, k phelps, Francisco Esteban, Stefan Seidel, Miguel Almeida Sharing, Pål Børsting, Robin Cohen, Jean-Philippe Jouve, Dominique Bonnet, Rodney Campbell, Vinod Kalathil, Frank Niemeyer, Stefanie Schächtel, Dejan Kolar, Heiko Köster, John Onnen, Bo Christensen, and even +santa !!  

Average Ripple length for the whole circle = 3.96!  *Excellent!*  

See the Winners Photo Album >> for Contest history!

A special thanks to Ron Clifford, Wick Sakit, Rodney Pike, Robert SKREINER, and  Alan Shapiro    : )   Thank you for visiting & sharing!

#photographycircles   #curatedcontent   #topengagers  


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