#grasstuesday by Margaret TompkinsRay BilcliffGrass Tuesday

#grasstuesday by Margaret TompkinsRay BilcliffGrass Tuesday
#bokehtuesday by Bob Baxley
#hqspmacro HQSP Macro
#macro4all by Walter SoestbergenMacro4All
#everythinggreen by andi rivarolaEverything Green
#macromaniacs by Sandra DeichmannMacroManiacs
#grasspoker by Jules Falk HunterLahn Jung JuLesSteve SherwinDavid MurphyMartin OBER
#allthingsgreen by Cicely Robin LaingAll Things Green
#themagicoflight by Ray BilcliffThe Magic of Light


  1. Thank you very much for the wonderful comments and the fantastic support! All the best for 2014! :-). Nynke BOksana WurchRICARDO MARTINEZ

  2. Great grassy shot!!  Thanks for sharing with Grass Tuesday !!

  3. Thank you very much ch for your great support! Wish you all the best for 2014! :-). Margaret Tompkins

  4. Splendid green, Stefanie Schächtel ! Thanks a lot for sharing with MacroManiacs !  :))

  5. Thank you so much for your fantastic support! Wish you a wonderful Monday! :-) MacroManiacs


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