If not now then when?!

If not now then when?!
Originally shared by Peter From
The UPCOMING STARS 2014 SPECIAL Circle –– Announcement Post
The last USC was a great success for everybody involved and many of you have contacted me to share your joy and gratitude. Thank you!
Now it's time to build the next Upcoming Stars Circle and this one will be a very special one, believe me. Just read on...
As I stated in the last announcement post, I find such talent here on Google+ every day but they hardly ever get the attention they deserve –– far from it actually. That is why I came up with the Upcoming Stars Circle two years ago –– to promote young and old talent and at the same time present you all with some great feeds.
For those of you not remembering the USC, it's one of the most shared and popular circles in the history of Google+, believe it or not. Many participants have received thousands of new followers and some of the people I helped promote in the USC now have more followers than I do! I love that! It speaks for the positiveness of this circle.
Now it's your turn to join the action. To celebrate 2014, I have decided to let anyone with less than 12500 followers join in. If you do qualify, then read the rules (or guidelines rather) on how to be a part of the USC.
The Rules/Guidelines (yeah, you remember, huh?):
1) Plus and comment this post to show that you want to participate (you must do that here on the original post). Please state how many followers you have in your comment. You also may tag friends of yours if they have less than 12500 followers. I'll add them too.
2) Reshare this post to help promote your fellow G-plusians. That way YOU will receive more attention once the circle is released. If you do not reshare, I won't add you to the circle since this is a joint effort to promote new/old talent. YOU deserve to be reshared, right?
Let's show some Google+ love! :)
3) If you were in the last circle and want to be added to this one too, you must ask for inclusion again.
Have fun!
Release Date
I will release this circle in the first WEEK of 2014.
Have a great day everybody and enjoy your weekend!
Thanks, Stefanie