Hit The Road Jack! The weekly assignment of MOJITO ART FRIDAY !

Hit The Road Jack! The weekly assignment of MOJITO ART FRIDAY !
Originally shared by MOJITO ART FRIDAY
Welcome to this week's Mojito Art Friday's Assignment
Part of Mojito Art Circle -- A Circle with a Twist
Today's Assignment (05.16.14): Hit The Road Jack
What can we say that the title won't. Anything with a road in it. Someone leaving. Saying goodbye. You tell us what it means to you. How do you see this through your camera? Whether a geographical location, or a feeling you get as someone in your life has left.
Read the lyrics to get some inspiration and watch the timeless classic video with: Ray Charles:
Instructions: Upload an image, or create a G+ album, and include images that have meaning to you, i.e. personal value, processing challenge that became a learning experience, etc. Also, you may post separately up to three times. Explain why you've chosen the image/s. Use any tools to make the image/artistically pleasant, in your own way. Be creative in any way you like by using a special processing technique or program.
The image/s can be generated from previous work you've already posted on G+, or partially posted before, it doesn't matter. Please mention in your post that it's a re-post. The opportunity created here is the ability to generate ideas, get to know each other, and be exposed to amazing works of art.
Very Important: Post your work on your own stream as usual, then post a link to it on the comments section below.
Please tag us with MOJITO ART FRIDAY #mojitoartfriday #mojitoweeklyassignment
How to participate?
A- Share the URL of your work as specified above, or
B- Share this assignment post in your stream, or
C- Comment, +1 on other's comments/posts, or
D- Do any or all ABC above
Would you like to be notified when the assignment is out? Please leave a comment below.
Enjoy and have fun.
#mojitoartfriday #mojitoweeklyassignment #wild #gowild #peopledoingthings #artongoogle #art #artist #tooclosetoloveyou #mojitoartassignment
Super plus
ReplyDeleteStefanie Schächtel Thank you for the re-share.