Suspicious! ;-)

Suspicious! ;-)
Originally shared by MOJITO ART FRIDAY
Welcome to this week's Mojito Art Friday's Assignment*
Part of Mojito Art Circle -- A Circle with a Twist
Today's Assignment (08.15.14): Report Suspicious Characters
Report Suspicious Characters
We've all seen them, and we know who they are. Your community would deeply appreciate it if you report any suspicious characters you've seen around. Dig deep into your files if you have to, or capture all your friends and family. Either way, make sure you report them to the Mojito Art Police! Have fun and Happy Friday.
Instructions: Upload an image, or create a G+ album, and include images that have meaning to you, i.e. personal value, processing challenge that became a learning experience, etc. Also, you may post separately up to three times. Explain why you've chosen the image/s. Use any tools to make the image/artistically pleasant, in your own way. Be creative in any way you like by using a special processing technique or program.
The image/s can be generated from previous work you've already posted on G+, or partially posted before, it doesn't matter. Please mention in your post that it's a re-post. The opportunity created here is the ability to generate ideas, get to know each other, and be exposed to amazing works of art.
Very Important: Post your work on your own stream as usual, then post a link to it on the comments section below.
Please tag us with +MOJITO ART FRIDAY #mojitoartfriday #mojitoweeklyassignment #mojitoartassignment
How to participate?
A- Share the URL of your work as specified above, or
B- Share this assignment post in your stream, or
C- Comment, +1 on other's comments/posts, or
D- Do any or all ABC above
Would you like to be notified when the assignment is out? Please leave a comment below.
Enjoy and have fun.
#mojitoartfriday #mojitoweeklyassignment #wild #gowild #peopledoingthings #artongoogle #art #artist
Merci pour le partage, Stefanie
ReplyDelete......Excellent....Thank you...!!!!Melenia