Originally shared by HQSP Macro

Originally shared by HQSP Macro

ANNOUNCING the latest circle of contributors from HQSP Macro, ready to add to your circles! They're all G+ photographers who've posted at least one photo to the macro theme in the last 30 days, so you can be confident that they're active and involved in the G+ photography community. 

With this circle we're also sending out a great big THANK YOU to all those who are included! We appreciate it that you share your wonderful photos with HQSP!

If you're a photographer whose passion is to capture images of the tiny things around you, please post directly to the HQSP community, or tag your photo with #hqspmacro , the theme name, and the names of the curators: Terrie Gray  Robert Vierthaler  Stefanie Schächtel Igor Schevchenko Ernest Fdez. 

We look forward to seeing your comments and your photos!

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