Originally shared by MOJITO ART FRIDAY

Originally shared by MOJITO ART FRIDAY
Welcome to this week's Mojito Art Friday's Assignment
Part of Mojito Art Circle -- A Circle with a Twist
Today's Assignment (1.13.15): The Heart of the Matter
[This week: Image, theme title, description and Guest-co-curating by Dawn Siadatan ]
I recently read a blog post by the extremely talented (and the wonderfully opinionated) Ugo Cei It really resonated with me and got me thinking. The short of it is this: because of the abundance and availability of DSLRs a lot of the soul of photography is getting lost as people try to create photographs that are technically great, or to emulate someone else’s style.
His ‘rant’ was about the state of landscape photography these days, but I think the message can and should be applied across the broad spectrum of photographic subject matter. How often has your stream become a blur of pictures that blend together? How many times have you thought, if I see one more picture of a [_________], I’m going to cry? I believe that photography is not about making a perfect image, but about putting your heart and soul into an image that you - the photographer and artist - have created to reflect your vision of the world. I am quite the amateur, certainly. I have had my DSLR for almost two years but I vowed to not drive it in automatic. I have had a processing program (Lightroom) for far less - only a few months. With these tools I am finding my voice.
As I learn manual and learn how to take pictures technically I am also learning to take my pictures for… me. More and more I am able to create and image that reflects what’s in my head. So this is it. Show us your voice, show us your heart, show us something that reflects YOUR artistic vision.
... and Happy Valentine's Day. Have a Mojito to celebrate.
Instructions for anyone new: Upload an image, or create a G+ album, and include images that have meaning to you, i.e. personal value, processing challenge that became a learning experience, etc. Also, you may post separately up to three times. Explain why you've chosen the image/s. Use any tools to make the image/artistically pleasant, in your own way. Be creative in any way you like by using a special processing technique or program.
The image/s can be generated from previous work you've already posted on G+, or partially posted before, it doesn't matter. Please mention in your post that it's a re-post. The opportunity created here is the ability to generate ideas, get to know each other, and be exposed to amazing works of art.
Very Important: Post your work on your own stream as usual, then post a link to it on the comments section below.
Please tag us with MOJITO ART FRIDAY #mojitoartfriday
How to participate?
A- Share the URL of your work as specified above, or
B- Share this assignment post in your stream, or
C- Comment, +1 on other's comments/posts, or
D- Do any or all ABC above
Would you like to be notified when the assignment is out? Please leave a comment below.
Enjoy and have fun.
Superbe Stefanie Schächtel