fly me to the rainbow

fly me to the rainbow

#spectrumsunday by Laura Ockel​Spectrum Sunday​
#hqspmacro HQSP Macro​
#macroaddict MacroAddict​
#btpmacropro BTP Macro Pro​


  1. Congratulations Stefanie Schächtel  your photo has been added to our BTP PRO MACRO FEATURED COLLECTION! Be sure to follow our wonderful collections to see many great works including yours!
    Have a wonderful day!
    (Kenny Jones)

  2. Thank you very much for your adding my photo to your featured collection! Greetings! ;-) Kenny Jones

  3. Thank you so much dear Roxanne! Wish you a wonderful week! ;-) Roxanne Bouche' Overton

  4. That is really a great capture and a colorful shot! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  5. Thank you so much dear! Have a wonderful week! ;-) Spectrum Sunday


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