drops on a rainbow

drops on a rainbow

#leavesonthursday Leaves On Thursday​
#hqspmacro HQSP Macro​
#macroaddict MacroAddict​
#btpmacropro BTP Macro Pro​


  1. Sehr schön farbig serviert Stefanie Schächtel :-)

  2. Einmalig schön diese Farben, machen sofort gute Laune.. Stefanie Schächtel Liebe Grüße..

  3. This beautiful picture has been shared to HQSP Macro
    Thank you for your contribution and have a nice day
    (shared by Peter Marbaise)

  4. Congratulations Stefanie Schächtel  your photo has been added to our BTP PRO MACRO FEATURED COLLECTION! Be sure to follow our wonderful collections to see many great works including yours!
    Have a wonderful day!
    (Kenny Jones)

  5. Vielen herzlichen Dank für die wunderbaren Kommentare! Euch eine schöne nächste Woche! LG ;-) Thomas BerGisela HeegRobert Vierthaler

  6. Thank you very much for the great comments! Best wishes! ;-) Peter MarbaiseKenny Joneslight y


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